Nina Saacks

A little more about me...

My journey into the wellness industry began in 2003 when I graduated with a Business Science Marketing degree. During that time I also trained to become an Integral Hatha Yoga teacher, a path that would shape my future in remarkable ways. Alongside my mom, we opened a beautiful yoga studio in the leafy suburb of Tokai, Cape Town, not expecting much interest at the time. To our surprise, the studio thrived, becoming a sanctuary for many. 

In 2008, driven by a desire to inspire and uplift the yoga community, I founded Yoga Awakening Africa, a magazine brand that has now transitioned into a community blog where I share my journey wellness education and journey with others. This platform connects and supports yoga teachers, sharing stories and resources to foster growth and inspiration.

In 2014, I joined forces with Yoga Therapists and Ayurvedic Practitioners to form the Academy of Yoga and Ayurveda, an Integral Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in South Africa. 

Over the years, my love for learning and growth led me to invest in new courses and workshops, each one expanding my toolkit and deepening my understanding of yoga and well-being. Despite these valuable experiences, I often felt there was something more I needed to become a better teacher and improve my own health. It wasn’t until I enrolled in a two-year Yoga Health Coaching program that I realised the key was within me all along—I just needed help with implementation of all the tools and skills I had learnt over the years. 

Today, my annual coaching membership program embodies all the lessons I've learned. It's designed to enable you to take control of your health and wellbeing.

I look forward to meeting you in one of my courses. 




Yoga Health Coach - Yoga Teacher - Yoga Teacher Trainer - Business Entrepreneur.

Certified Yoga Health Coach with Wellness Pro Academy
Yoga Alliance International South Africa
Academy of Yoga and Ayurveda
Yoga Awakening Africa

My Musings...

As a well-being coach with over two decades of yoga teaching experience I have come to realise that we are all amazing unique individuals with differing qualities, complementary strengths and amazing abilities.

Here's a little more about me...

I love to support and teach

I love to inspire and motivate

I love to help and heal

I love to explore and inquire

I love to laugh and joke

My loves in life have naturally led me to the holistic healing arts. This is the place I feel safe, this is where home is to me no matter where in the world I find myself. When I am present in my body, connected to my emotions and alive with my mind, my spirit soars and I feel free. I know I am an awake human being in these moments.

I love structure, form and order as much as I love freedom, inspiration and change.  
I love being out in nature exploring the elements as much as I love being snuggled up on the couch with a good book, knitting needles or podcast.  
I love deep meaningful connections with others as much as I love deep solo alone time with just me.

I used to get confused and thought that I had to choose one way or the other. I didn’t realise that at differing times in my cycle and phases in life I could be either or both or none. I now embrace my duality and step into the strengths of each.

I am learning to:
Laugh more
Let go of perfectionism and 
Step into and embrace my quirkiness and weird dance moves

It is not always easy, but I have surrounded myself with awesome humans who support, help and nurture me on my life's adventure. I hope you have the same!

There are still things in life that I think I will never really like:
Whiny people
Cockroaches and

However I have learnt that all of these are part of life and as they show up in our path we take each one as it comes and navigate it with as much love, ease and understanding. 

I hope that you too have a list of things you love, things that make you uniquely you and things that scare you. Come back here regularly. And you’ll see how mine evolves, changes and adapts over the years. Because as we learn, grow and evolve so does our personality. 

I hope you feel inspired and enabled to take control of your wellbeing, your life, your story. 

And I can’t wait to meet you!
From my heart to yours
Namaste 🙏🏽